Also by V. M. Straka
A list of eighteen previous works by Straka is offered. (Ship of Theseus would make nineteen). On the one hand this continues the fiction of a real life author. It is also comparable to Vladimir Nabokov’s invented list of titles purportedly authored by the narrator in Look at the Harlequins. Nabokov’s list parodies (parody like allusion works only to the extent some original reference is known) and references many of his own literary creations.
Each of the eighteen requires careful examination for further clues. Already tied to something we known, the number 19, is the work entitled The Black Nineteen.
A preliminary attempt to decipher the list of Straka’s books has been undertaken.
The Winged Shoes of Emydio Alves
Eric and Jen continue their dialogue in correspondence with Jen indicating before we the reader encounter footnotes their possible significance as a repository of a concealed message.
A curious switch of ink colors,
red for Eric
purple for Jen
points to a later return to the same page when the comments of the two become their own source of commentary.