p. 349

S notes that Anca seems to believe that he has the power to enact meaningful change. S himself does not believe that at all; he thinks to himself that no matter how many agents he kills, he will never actually make a difference. “If Vevoda needs what is inside those hills, Vevoda will acquire what is inside those hills” (349).

This bleak description of his life shows that S has changed. He no longer strongly believes in his cause, like he may have when he first learned about Vevoda. And yet even though he does not believe what he is doing is valuable, he still continues to risk his life for it. There is a footnote about how characters in other novels, such as Jerry Frost in “The Santana March,” struggle with the realization that they can do little about how shallow and corrupt their culture is. The name Jerry Frost does not carry much significance.

S also thinks to himself that he hopes that Anca doesn’t realize how futile the cause is. This shows that he still cares about others, even if he does not believe what he is doing will help them.

Finally, at the end of the page S sees one of the mountains off in the distance that is not completely destroyed. This observation is discussed in more detail on the next page.

Page 349 is unique insofar as there are basically no notes between Eric and Jen. The only one is Eric writing that FXC’s footnote is actually useful, unlike most of her other footnotes. This implies that there is no code in this section of the book.