202.a Letter from Eric

Eric tells Jen the truth about his childhood and his relationship with his family. He tells her that he started having insomnia and his grades got worse. With this came harassment from everyone, urging him to explain what was wrong. His parents assumed it was the Marijuana he was smoking and told him to help his uncle in a boat delivery that needed two people. He had a panic attack on the boat after seeing his uncle depressed and drunk every night and protested until his uncle had no other choice but to leave him in Astoria and told him to find his own way home because he needed to deliver the boat. Eric’s uncle ended up dying before he ever reached his destination and Eric’s parents blamed Eric for the incident. Eric alienated himself from his family and engulfed himself in school and books. When he graduated he left and, although he tries to avoid it, sees them very occasionally.


Because one might consider Eric as a very reserved person, this letter shows how his level of trust towards Jen has increased with time. He opened up to her about a major event in his life that is most likely hard to talk about. This is interesting because Eric is the one who decides to open up first, whereas as Jen waits until later on to tell him the truth about her disappearance.