p. 324

As the two agents try to figure out what the suicide note should say they decide on a rather raunchy subject. Each agents writes the respective male and female parts of the note and in doing so realize there is something between them. Agent #9 “wonders: is this what people mean by love?” to which FXC comments on this emotion in Straka’s novels. The characters of his books typically struggle most with love and its surrounding emotions. This can even be seen in the relationship between S. and Sola, S. spends much of the novel grappling with love.

Love is a Fruit

In falling in–what #9 thinks might be–love with #41, she thinks of all the many things he has accomplished. He was behind the library burning in Leuven, Belgium as well as the Mukden plan leak. Despite these atrocities, #9 finds it in her to love #41 because “love is what makes us most human – to deny it is to deny an essential part of your humanity.” This can be said for anyone, no matter what they do or who they harm, love is “pretty much what everyone’s looking for, even if they don’t realize it” people function in the name of love.