p. 196

S. and Corbeau stand at the top of the cliff, overlooking the rough waves. S. remembers walking through the city with Corbeau a few days ago and how he liked being with her.

S. thinks about Sola and how he imagined facing death with her, not with Corbeau. He feels as though he is supposed to be with Sola, and yet here he is with someone else.

Corbeau tells S. to “push off hard,” and they jump from the cliff.


In a footnote FXC writes that she told Straka to cut the passage about Corbeau because she found it to be too sentimental. Straka, however, did not cut the passage.

Jen notes that the paragraph about Sola has its own page in the manuscript and looks as though it had been made by a different typewriter. She suggests that FXC added the paragraph because Straka would not cut the section about Corbeau. FXC felt that Straka was supposed to be with her, and she did not like hearing about his feelings for Durand.

Jen continues, writing that FXC and Straka were close even though they never met. FXC loved Straka, and Straka must have felt something for her.

Later, while Eric is in Brazil, Jen wonders if FXC and Straka really did love each other. “Were words enough?” Would their relationship have worked out if Straka had been willing to meet FXC? Jen wonders if they were lacking the right conditions. In these musings Jen is also wondering about her own feelings for Eric. Most of their relationship has been within the pages of Ship of Theseus. Perhaps Jen is worried that words will not be enough for her and Eric.