p. 388

The room is dark and seems abandoned. The only source of light comes from an opaque window. It is in this room that S hears the voices of past the first time since he arrives in the Winter City:

Você não está seguro (You are not sure), a male voice says.
Ninguém é (No one is), a female voice says.

S knocks on the door. Footsteps approach and the door is open in a crack. After confirming that S is alone, a hand reaches out and pulls S inside the room.

The voices that S hears in presented in Portuguese. The use of Portuguese here, according to Jen, allows VMS to speak to Filamela as directly as possible. In FXC’s footnote, she points out that numerous handwritten corrections renders the original script almost illegible. If Jen’s assumption is true, the corrections possibly indicate that VMS struggles to convey his message to FXC, with whom he shares a special relationship. Jen also urges Eric to use his network from Sevin to stop Moody or whoever is behind the plot of terror against Jen.

Although Jen studies the footnote, she fails to find anything suggesting that it contains a code. Eric responds to Jen’s frustration by telling her “maybe it’s not part of a code. […] Maybe there isn’t one. Maybe there’s some other kind of message.” In her later note (purple color), she points out that the code is laid out perfectly in front of them through the title and the images of the chapter. The ephemeral and delicate nature of the birds and images translate into one message:

Seize The Day.