p. 269

S. talks to Maelstrom about the crew and why neither he nor S. work in the orlop. S. learns that the ship’s purpose is to bring him places and also that Sola/Szalómé/Samar are the same woman and Maelstrom knows about her. In Spanish, the name Sola means “she who is alone.”   In Hungarian, Szalómé means “protection of God.” In Arabic, the name Samar means “evening conversation.” There is no connection between these names, other than the first letter S and also the connections they have individually to the character. She always seems to be moving on her own without any inherent danger, as if she is protected by God. She is also a fleeting figure that may be nothing more than a few stories over evening conversation.

In the margins Jen cites an article by D.M. Dobson in Contemporary European Literature Journal that argues that Shimizu was Straka. D.M. Dobson was not a real person, and neither was Shimizu. In the margins, Jen said that Dobson traces everywhere he went from 1910-1950 & compares them to the settings of Straka’s books…he’d visited at some point in the 2 years before the book came out.

This suggests that Shimizu is VMS based on his similar path of travel and similar settings. Eric writes this off as a coincidence and claims that people can travel a lot and settings can be made up or researched. Eric also decides that while Dobson is well respected. but this can’t be true.

Eric also warns Jen that breaking into Moody’s office is not a good idea. Also by him saying i will feel bad if something goes wrong shows that he has invested interest in Jen and shows how he is empathetic for her.



S. is talking to Maelstrom and trying to figure what’s going on on the ship and who Sola is.

DM Dobson claimed Shimizu was Straka

Jen wants to break into Moody’s

Coriolis with 3 iterations of self and connect to triptych

footnote8 about nature of identity w/ Mytych and OC Wayne v MacInnes

…in which priest credits faith in spider god for the village’s survival. How is that relevant at all?
Another random code-footnote. Has to be