p. 272

Points of sail.svgThe feeling in the air is similar to the storm that approached them off the coast of B-. As the monkey is ripping apart a biscuit, S. sees that most of the crew don’t like the monkey either and finds comfort in the fact that he is not the least-liked creature on the ship. After Maelstrom blows the whistle sequence two more times, the crew reacts and the ship takes off on a dead run, or directly downwind (location E in points of sail diagram).

This change in plans may be a reference to a change in the plans of the S. due to compromise or betrayal.

Footnote 11 refers to a monkey that went on stage at the Prix Bouchard ceremony. Whilel FXC does know its whereabout, Straka claimed that he had it. This may have been sarcasm or the truth since Bouchard was his enemy and the monkey would be a symbolic way to mess with him.

Eric theorizes the event was not about the monkey, but it was about VMS exposing Bouchard in the the Calais massacre. He exposed him blatantly through pamphlets, starting a war of narratives They question if the Calais massacre defines life or did the person’s reaction define the. Even with FXC confirming the idea that “everything goes back to Calais,” Jen feels that Bouchard and VMS defined their own lives.