p. 328

S writes on the wall of his cabinet. Unlike the previous wall-writing, this one appears dark and insecure. S writes about Sola, asking her to “carry [him] through these foaming rapids of blood and ink.” However, like what has happened before, the meaning of his words are skewed: Sola becomes “sailor”, a “damned man” caught in the “madness of blood and ink.” The seemingly paranoid thought is summed up by VMS, who writes: “everything that begins as a call to her comes out, somehow, as a curse of himself.”

While Eric comments that S’s writing is an “invocation of the muse” that “[turned] into flagellation of the self”, Jen challenges that S is simply begging Sola to save him. In addition, Eric continues to be bothered by the notion that a code exists in the wall-writing, though he can support it with no concrete evidence.

On the other hand, FXC’s footnote points out that the change of tone indicates that VMS is possibly grappling between artistic intention and execution. Eric offers a new theory: if VMS is talking through S here, he is expressing his regret of choosing “blood and ink” over the love of FXC.