p. 107

As the text begins, it is the continuation of a scene that S. is picturing. As the passage explains, there is a boy conversing with a girl. There is some sort of incident between the two, and then the boy fills his pockets with weights. As explained on the next page, he then jumps into the water. As Jen and Eric discussed, they believe that this passage is a direct connection to Vaclav Straka’s death.

Within the margins, Jen brings up her failed relationship with her last boyfriend by saying, “At least she rejected him in person + not in an email + not after wasting 3+ years of his life.” Eric then responds by relating her comment to his relationship with Ilsa, and how it basically ended before it had even started. They then discussed Ilsa’s potential motives for her relationship with Eric, and whether or not any of it was real or if she was just using him. Through this interaction, Jen and Eric are learning more about each other, and clearly bonding on a deeper level.