S. studies the valise attempts to commit the contents to memory. He mixes a chemical called Sanguinem ulcera and then dumps it into the waves. The latin translation of Sanguinem ulcera is “blood boils,” showing that the intentions of the chemical is clearly to poison someone whether the intention is to boil blood or cause ulcers. The combination of almond, ammonia, and decomposing flesh is not one that brings pleasant thoughts.
At night he dreams of Sola, but they are very varied. Footnote 12 makes a reference to the dream sequences in Coriolis and VMS’s actual exhaustion in the real world with his work and anonymity.
Eric and Jen begin to start thinking more and more about each other. It becomes clear that Jen’s priorities are with Ship of Theseus and Eric instead of with her classes, including art history.
When Eric talked to FXC, he talked to her about Summersby and how he was the only one of VMS’s friends that she got to know. She also seemed self-centered when she thought that Summersby confessed just for her. They also make a connection to the letter from Ferrara and play with the idea that VMS is Straka or that the S. group just used his name to anonymously go against Bouchard.