In is clear to S. that with the contents of the valise, it is his job to kill the people in the photos. To this, FXC writes that many people will draw the conclusion that this is exactly what Straka did but she does not believe in jumping to such hasty conclusions. Jen is curious as to whether “Filomela believe[d] that Straka was an assassin” and “how she felt about it.” When Eric meets FXC he finds out that she was aware that he may have been responsible for many deaths but “she would have overlooked it.”
S. is dumbfound that he is expected to kill these people. The time warp motif is referenced again when he thinks about that fact that “he does not know where—or even when— he himself is.” In the midst of this S. struggles with duty vs. desire, good vs. evil, are his actions justified if they are in the name of peace? Justice?