By the time S. eventually makes it back to the deck, it is raining. He sees Maelstrom behind the wheel, and notices that his beard has grown thicker and grayer. He also notices that the crew members around him still acknowledge him with mild resentment. Lastly, he sees that there aren’t as many crew members as before.
Although S. has spent a considerable length of time on the ship, he is still an outsider. It seems as though he was meant to be on the ship, but his attitude towards the crew members and their attitude towards him suggest that no one wants him there. But why? It’s very possible that they resent him for not submitting himself to the life they have chosen. He still has the ability to express himself, which they may not like.
In their first round of notes, Jen asks Eric what his best job ever was. He replies, My 1st semester here, I worked in the planetarium and asks her the same. She says that her two favorite jobs had been working in the library and working at a girls summer camp as a counselor. She notes, (I did fill in once for the archery counselor , so I’m an archer. And I have tales!) In the third round of notes, Eric refers to this note and writes I think Moody has that book. (The Archer’s Tales). Jen agrees and says that it has to be.