“He sits and gnaws at it, while he rests his hand and marvels, silently, at the strangeness of his mind, this ship, this world.”
S. is surprised at the fact that he was unintentionally writing the wrong words. He attempts to correct the words that he didn’t mean to write, but all he does is create more words to correct. As he gnaws at a biscuit he finds on the ship’s floor, he takes a second to think about how strange everything has been. He looks for the mysterious piece of paper in his overcoat pocket, but it disintegrates in his hand when tries to unfurl it. He realizes that all the answers that were in his pocket are now gone.
In their first round of notes Jen and Eric analyze an FXC footnote that discusses Reinhold Feuerbach and his protege Horst Weschler, but reach no solid conclusions. However, in their second round of notes Jen notes that HW was w/ the S from the beginning. Eric adds that he would love to see the Dublin ms–whatever exists of it.
In the third round of notes Jen tells Eric that she’s been accused of plagiarism. Eric apologizes and asks her how much of whatever he gave her she used. She never responds, and eventually Eric pleads for her to meet with him at the Varsity as soon as it’s over.