While searching for S nearby the Central Power station, S discovers the plot of the detectives to attack the protestors with bomb. He hears voices similar to those from the Old Quarter.
S keeps walking in the opposite direction, telling himself that the protest is none of his business. Vevoda has nothing to do with him; he needs to find Sola. “No. There is nothing as important to him as figuring out who he is.” He keeps on walking–“He is not thinking. He is only listening.” However, his conscience halts him to a stop, and propels him to run to the wharf and stops the carnage.
Jen points out that Straka presents the classic theme of “love vs. duty”, whereas Eric argues that the theme is self vs. community. Eric tries to avoid making assumptions about love, while Jen, more empathetic, scolds Eric about his indifference to emotions:
“You [Eric] are a very stubborn man. Unless you’re just trying to piss me off.”
The paragraph presents the classic dilemma of heroes. While S can seemingly avoid the massacre and all those that ensues, he is unable to abandon his conscience and ignores the lives of others.