Emboldened by his unusual freedom, S wanders around the boat. Due to the crew’s lack of concern, he easily manages to enter the cabin beneath the quarterdeck, and subsequently discovers that the room was once used as a chart room. Featuring a crusted sextant and a blackened pilot chart, the room is dank and close and is likely rendered obsolete by the crew members (according to Erich, a possible reference to Santana March).
In their conversations, Eric shares with Jen his experience of not “being noticed” in high school. He says:
“I was there [at high school]–it just never occurred to anybody to record my presence. I existed only administratively.”
As he gradually gets used to being ignored, Eric considers staying unnoticed interesting. Eric’s insistence in his communication with Jen and his growing attachment to her reflect his departure from solitude. Eric is gradually walking out from his mini bubble of self-comfort
Jen questions Erich about his trick of not being notice and theorizes that he uses the college’s steam tunnels. Although Eric neither confirmed nor denied the theory, we can infer from later story that the tunnels exist and are used by Eric.