p. 329

Annoyed by the fact that what he intends to put down on the wall is skewed, S gives up trying. He closes his eyes and simply puts the nail into the wood in front. When he opens his eyes again, he sees only one line: WHO IS SIGNE RABE? (According to Eric, Ilsa says that “rabe” means “raven” in German, a possible reference to Durand).

The interlude then turns to depict the dying scene of Agent #2.  Lay dying in a car whose owner’s name has never existed, Agent #2 uses his last breath to taunt S, who is sitting on the back seat. He asks S to go to the territory and promises that he would be surprised by the governor. In his autopsy, the coroner discovers pages of Ang Mamamana Kuwento in his jaws.

Jen comments that, after checking the documents, she finds that the question “Who is signe rabe” does not exist in the original version. FXC inserts the question into the writing, as if she is demanding a confession from VMS that he loves someone else. Jen shares with Eric that her ex-, Jacob, used to annoy her with such interrogation.

In regards to the pages in the jaw, Eric comments that it actually happens and, while no newspaper covers the event, it is documented in a coroner’s memoir. The car and pages correspond to the memoir. According to Eric, “it sounds like he [Straka] was there.”

The name of the book from which the pages are taken, Ang Mamamana Kuwento, reminds Eric about The Archer’s Tale. In addition, the question “Who is signe rabe” also reminds Jen about the chapter 8 cipher, which reads: “Have you ever stopped thinking about her. Have you ever given anyone else a chance”.