p. 113

S. realizes the horror of the explosion on the wharf but his main focus is finding Sola/Szalome. “You have the difficult and uneviable task of locating yourself,” Stenfalk remarks sympathetically. Soon after, however, Stenfalk stops him, warning him that Ostrero is outside evaluating the town’s situation and S must not leave until it is safe. Secondly, Corbeau pleads S to stay, arguing, “You’re the one who saw the Detectives with the bomb. Without your word, we have nothing.”

“He has already walked away from her once, and he will not do so again.”
Jen underlines this line and comments, “Better not.” This is most likely referring to Eric’s trip to Paris. Jen is warning Eric not to leave her to go on a dangerous journey alone again.
“Wait until you understand the situation you’ll be heading into.”
Jen remarks on this, “I know you don’t think the Paris trip was dangerous-but that’s got to be where they caught on to you/us.” Jen probably means someone found out that she and Eric are working together.

Eric discovers a possible code in the footnotes. The title of the chapter is “Agent X.” “The first footnote seems to point to the FN one place after it,” which is “letter.” Thus, the code may involve letters that contain ‘x.’