p. 88


As Eric notes with pencils that it was a bunch of details drawn from “The Square”, the main paragraph talks about Pfeifer attempting to awaken the sleepy police. Then they also talk briefly with Corbeau. Then VMS starts describing her appearence talking about her jet-black hair, fair skin and “leptorrhine”(catarhini) nose. “Leptorrhine” also becomes Jen’s new favorite word. Eric points out the frequency Jen changes her favorite words.


In the marginalia, Eric wonders if Jen is doing all right because he had noticed she didn’t pick up the book the night before.

You didn’t pick up the book last night. Are you ok?

Jen says that Jacob called her out of the blue and it was getting confusing as she feels the story is being more complicated. Eric wonders more about Jen and then she kind of blocks him from being too intimate. In this page they mostly have this casual talk.

Are you prying??

Because that would be another complication I don’t need.