p. 437

In his speech, he previews that Edvar VI is going to address a speech and should be respected. Edvar, still nervous, tells himself “All you have to do is read.” Then S., disguised as a waiter, approaches Edvar VI with a glass of dark wine. Edvar VI reminds S. that his father instructed not to give him black wine today.

In the footnote, FXC reminds the readers about several pages from the original manuscript were never located due to the chaos and bloodshed in Havana. She mentions that she has reconstructed the tenth chapter and reasoned why she didn’t point out which parts were from the original manuscript and which are her words.

In the margins, at first Eric is opposed to FXC reconstructing chapter ten and not mentioning which parts are written by FXC. But then he realizes that FXC might have done so to emphasize that the work is theirs, that they are co-creating their story, not just Ship of Theseus. Jen also brings up that FXC believes that their story is more important.