Please note a new pick up location for our Language Schools at Mills College in California when paging requests.
Here is a summary of the workflow:
1. Patron logs in to Midcat at Mills, places a request to be picked up in California
2. Paging slip is generated here and sorted by Main Circ.
3. Item is retrieved
4. Item is checked in, which will generate a new hold pickup notification telling the patron that the item is on the way and may be picked up at Mills Circ when they are notified by Mills’ system.
5. If item is not available, a standard cancellation notice will be generated (refer to Circ supervisor to cancel request if not found)
6. Place item on Cataloging shelf @ Circ
7. Item will go to Collections Management, where it will be processed for Mills in the regular manner, then shipped out by ILL.
Tag Archives: Interlibrary Loan
Retrievals – Paging Library Materials
Retrieving library materials to fill requests for NExpress, ILL, MiddCampus, Davison (Breadloaf), Mills (California) etc.
Main Stacks:
In the absence of Stacks, ILL will retrieve; if ILL unable to pick up by 2 pm, Circ will retrieve
Pick up Midd (including Mills and BL/Davison), ILLiad and NExpress paging slips X2/daily from red NExpress cart early morning and early afternoon
Books, etc. – retrieve materials from shelves
Browsing DVD’s – retrieve case; pull DVD from sleeve; visually inspect for damage; clean/scan only if needed; insert in case; deliver to ILL Lending Office
Fold NEXPRESS notice lengthwise (name of patron face out) and place inside book or item
Deliver all paged items to Lending Table in the ILL Lending Office for sorting to appropriate carts by an ILL supervisor
ILL – processed by ILL
NExpress – processed by ILL (with CIrc as back-up)
MiddRequests (including Mills, Davsion, Music, Armstrong) – to Circ
MiddRequest and NExpress – if not found on shelf, write “NOS” on paging slip and give directly to Circ supervisor to cancel request (in Mill Circ – Search/Hold Mode)
ILL – if not found – write NOS on slip – deliver slip to ILL Lending Office
Fri afternnoon, evening and weekends – retrieve NExpress, ILL and Midd requests as staffing and activity levels allow
Circ – check cart for paging slips after 2 pm daily
Recalls – Changes to Web Requesting
In order to improve customer and requesting services, we have recently made a change to web requesting parameters. This change will only affect requests on items that are checked out. If an item is currently checked out and a Midd user places a hold request – the system will not recall the item from the current borrower. A hold request will prevent a renewal, and the item will be held for the requester when it is returned, but the original due date is retained.
If an item is needed sooner, we recommend NExpress. If the item is not available on NExpress, we recommend ILL. If an item is not available via ILL, Circ staff can place a recall through the Mill Circ client – after ascertaining that the item is not available through NExpress or ILL.
ILL/NExpress Renewals?
Just a quick note about renewals 🙂
NExpress (blue bands) loans can be renewed up to 3 times.
ILL’s (green and pink bands) can be renewed by request to the ILL Office – ask borrowers to email (or simply forward their “about to be overdue” courtesy library notice) to to request a renewal.
Overdue materials will require a supervisor override.
As always, please refer requests for extensions beyond these rules to a supervisor.
NExpress and ILL Due Dates
NExpress – blue bands – write due date on blue band at time of check-out
ILL – green and pink bands – adjust date in borrower record to match due date on band at time of check-out
ILL – pink bands – Lib-use-only – must be used in the library and kept on Circ hold shelf; check out to borrower when requested; when checked in, shelve on hold shelf until due date on band expires.
The Mysterious Case of the Missing ILL Mailing carts.
Over the past few weekends we have noticed a tendency for the ILL Mailing carts to go wandering about. This past weekend both carts were AWOL and piles of ILLs waiting to be packed were deposed. These two flatbed carts should remain in the ILL department at all times. Please check around the Library for other options before borrowing either of these carts. If you must use one of these carts please return it immediately to the ILL dept. and return any deposed books or packages to the cart. If you see either of the ILL carts loose in the building please return them to LIB 250c.
Periodicals Project – counting in-library use
Starting January 5th and continuing for the foreseeable future.
Periodicals loaned out through ILL and those used within the Main Library will be counted separately
ILL will place all of its print (bound and current) and microform periodicals on a purple cart located in the Reserve Area.
Circulation staff will continue to place periodicals – either returned to Circ desk or found in their “sweeps” through the building – on the Circ returns area shelves.
Periodicals found during building “sweeps” can also be left on the wooden cart near the start of the Current Periodicals section.
Serials Dept staff will collect and count these stashes as well as stashes of microforms from atop the microform cabinets.
Once counted, the volumes will be placed on the marked shelves at the rear of the Lower Level stacks (in the PQ-PR domain) – this will include Bound Periodicals and microforms. Serials staff will shelve the counted Current Periodicals. Stacks staff will shelve the counted Bound Periodicals and microforms.
Users will be asked to help by placing issues and volumes on the marked shelves and carts in the periodicals area after using.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask Arabella.
What do I do if there are no ILL or Reserve staff around?
For Circulation Supervisors:
For ILL issues, email the ILL mailbox at and copy the library circulation mailbox
For Reserve issues, email the Reserve Office mailbox at and copy the library circulation mailbox
Always copy the library circulation mailbox.
Always include details and specifics of the question, issue or request.
Microform Printers
If you are really lucky you have never had to use a microforms printer to complete a research project.
If you are among the unlucky students, staff and faculty who occasionally need to access resources on microfilm or fiche, you might find that you need some assistance!
If someone has never used a microfilm/form printer and asks you for help, what do you do?
If you can leave the desk, please go with the person to try to help. There are directions at each station.
Please feel free to ask for a lesson anytime.
Who can help?
Ask a Circ Supervisor.
Ask an ILL Supervisor or ILL student staff. They can often help – if they are available. They are experts at using the microforms equipment.
If someone reports a problem with printing microfilm/forms, and you can leave the desk, please go with the person to find out what the problem is.
Do not refer microfilm printer problems to the Help Desk.
Please refer the problem to a Circ or ILL supervisor.
Supervisors – please alert Rich. Or Charlie Conway or Chip Winner in Rich’s absence.