Retrievals – Paging Library Materials

Retrieving library materials to fill requests for NExpress, ILL, MiddCampus, Davison (Breadloaf), Mills (California) etc.

Main Stacks:
In the absence of Stacks, ILL will retrieve; if ILL unable to pick up by 2 pm, Circ will retrieve

Pick up Midd (including Mills and BL/Davison), ILLiad and NExpress paging slips X2/daily from red NExpress cart early morning and early afternoon
Books, etc. – retrieve materials from shelves
Browsing DVD’s – retrieve case; pull DVD from sleeve; visually inspect for damage; clean/scan only if needed; insert in case; deliver to ILL Lending Office
Fold NEXPRESS notice lengthwise (name of patron face out) and place inside book or item
Deliver all paged items to Lending Table in the ILL Lending Office for sorting to appropriate carts by an ILL supervisor
ILL – processed by ILL
NExpress – processed by ILL (with CIrc as back-up)
MiddRequests (including Mills, Davsion, Music, Armstrong) – to Circ
MiddRequest and NExpress – if not found on shelf, write “NOS” on paging slip and give directly to Circ supervisor to cancel request (in Mill Circ – Search/Hold Mode)
ILL – if not found – write NOS on slip – deliver slip to ILL Lending Office
Fri afternnoon, evening and weekends – retrieve NExpress, ILL and Midd requests as staffing and activity levels allow
Circ – check cart for paging slips after 2 pm daily

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