Monthly Archives: September 2009

Reserve Reprints? Where can they be found?


Some Faculty submit reprints (photocopies) for reserve. Reprints are housed in the file cabinet to the left of the printer. Reprints are filed alphabetically, by the title of the article. The first three letters of the title of the article will appear in parenthesis after the location (reprint file)

Author Richard Ivey School of Business
Title Make green delicious
Call No. Reprint file (MAK)

Reprints circulate like books (watch the screen for date/time due). Remove the reprint from the folder, and circulate only the reprint. When returned, place the reprint back into the correct folder.

Lost and Found

water bottle
We are no longer saving wandering or abandoned food and drink containers in the lost and found shelves/boxes at the Circ desks.
Please use designated box at each Circ point for re-use mugs, thermos mugs, water bottles and containers and send them to building recycling areas frequently.

Local high school students taking a class at Midd

Local high schools students are eligible for courtesy guest privileges during the semester they are taking a class at Midd.
If they ask to borrow and do not have a library card – refer them to Main. A supervisor will verify eligibility (based on a list from the Registrar’s Office), ask them to fill out an application and then create a library card.
Regular guest printing and computing policies apply. They will need to create a print account and pay for printing and will need to use the daily password to access computers.
They can access Eres by using the password – usually given to them by their professor.
Thanks for helping them navigate our systems and resources.

Stay Healthy!

The single most effective way to stay healthy and avoid the flu and other illnesses is to wash your hands regularly and frequently.
There is a new Purell dispenser by the Main Circ returns counter. Please use this to wash your hands if water is not readily available. Hold your hands under for a couple of seconds, then rub until dry.
There are sinks in the Main ILL/Reserves area directly behind the Circ desk, in the Armstrong Library workroom, and in the back room at the Music Library.
In addition, please wipe down the phone and the keyboard at the beginning of your shift with an anti-bacterial wipe.
And last but not least, do not come to work if you are sick, have a fever or suspect that you have the flu. Alert a Circ Supervisor immediately if you do not have a sub and are unable to come to work.

How to ask for a sub for your shift

Student Staff Substitute Procedure
Send an original email to the appropriate student assistant distribution list
(A huge favor – please do not “reply all” to someone else’s request for a sub to ask for a sub for your shift – this gets very confusing when tracking changes to shifts)
o Main Library: LIS – Main Lib Circ Student Assistants distribution list
o Music Library: LIS – Music Library Student Assistants distribution list
o Armstrong Library: LIS – Armstrong Library Student Assistants distribution lis

Type your name, day, date & time (of the sub shift) in the subject field of the message (example – Elin needs a sub Thurs 9/24 2 – 4 pm)

Reply to all when signing up for a shift – so everyone knows it is now taken – you are now responsible for the shift

Check Outlook to confirm that the shift change has been recorded correctly on the master Outlook calendar

Important! If all efforts to find a sub fail, speak directly with a supervisor to alert them to the problem – as far in advance as possible

Many, many thanks! We rely very heavily on your support in providing front desk services to the College community – and it is critical to our operations that you (or your sub) are there as scheduled. 🙂

Research – How to Help

The Reference Librarians have recently changed their model for providing research support. Faculty, students and staff using our libraries may turn to the Circ desks to ask questions – please read the Circ wiki page on Research – How to Help for some great tips on how to help and how/when to refer questions to a Librarian.

Reference Service is provided as follows:
AFTERNOONS: In the Main Library, Librarians have scheduled shifts in the reference offices (Main floor, South side).
* Sunday – Thursday 1-5 pm
* Friday 1-4 pm
Look for a sign outside an office to see who is on duty.
EVENINGS: In the Main Library, Librarians have scheduled shifts in Special Collections (lower level)
* Sunday – Wed. 7-10 pm

You can also contact a Librarian by:
Email: Send an email to Ask a Librarian
Text Messaging: Text a message to 66746 and start your question with the word midd (ex. midd how do I get to JSTOR?)
MUSIC LIBRARY (443-5785 or 443-5218)

Why is this so important?
The library has over a million books, journals, government documents, audio and video recordings, diaries, newsletters, annual reports, microfilm reels and microfiche sheets. We have online catalogs that show what we own, what our consortial partner libraries own, and what other libraries around the world own. We have databases for statistics, photographs, and newspapers. In short, we have a wealth of information.
Even though we try to publicize our resources through workshops, newsletters, web guides and the like, much of it remains invisible to our researchers. Therefore, as a library staff member who works at a public service point (eg, Circulation Desk or Help Desk), it is crucial that you help to connect researchers with resources or refer to a librarian when appropriate. The wiki page (link above) gives advice on how to do that.
Librarians want to help and have lots of research expertise (training and experience) – please don’t hesitate to refer students, faculty, staff and guests to them.
To help develop the documentation and plan for a training session, please comment on this post with a research or reference question that you have encountered at the Circ desk.

No cell phone conversations at Circ

Just a reminder to everyone: no cell phone conversations at Circ. Please mute your cell when you show up for work. Between conversations in person at the desk, emails, instant messaging, and text messaging (on your phone is fine), there’s plenty of ways to keep in touch with people during your shift. It’s not too much to ask that you not make or take personal phone calls. Thanks.

Some items can’t be returned anywhere

While most items can be returned at any of the three branches, there are some items that can only be returned at the location where they were checked out. These items include:


If someone returns one of these items and it goes in transit when you check it in, please either

a. Check it back out to the person and have them return it where they got it
or, if the patron has already left
b. Alert a supervisor
