Monthly Archives: November 2008


I attended the annual conference of Vt Women in Higher Ed at the end of Oct.  125 attendees.  Lynn saunders and i represented Midd.  great keynote speaker, peggy Williams, former pres of Lyndon State and Ithaca colleges.  Break out sessions were on relavent issues, inluding retirment, diversity, changing college campuses, challenges facing women on campus.  Overall a good worthwhile experience

Printer 203K back on line

Symquest has just finished checking over 203k and it’s has been cleared for printing.  In this particular case all that was needed was a reboot.    So if you see error service call F030:0264789 or it may be similar, and there are no supervisors here, the symquest technician ask that we try rebooting it first.    The main power switch is on the upper right side, under  a little gray door.   So simply shut it off wait a little bit and restart.    That should clear the problem, if not let Nancy or I know, so we can call Symquest.

ID’s needed at checkout

Since 3 books just landed on my library account, I would like to reinforce the policy of patrons having their ID cards when borrowing library items. It’s just too easy to type the incorrect keys when entering ID numbers. I would like patrons without ID’s to be referred to supervisors. I think we have become a bit too lax with this policy.

Thanks! Joanne

New carrels at Armstrong

Five new carrels arrived this morning!  Students who were nearby during delivery were very excited to see them.  The new carrels are on the first floor, lined up with the other carrels.

Changes yet to come:  1) Power and network will be installed (we left notes on the new carrels announcing this), and 2) The map cases will be moved a foot or so away from the carrels to give them more space.

Emergency Procedure and Response

At yesterday’s Armstrong Circ meeting, we discussed emergency procedure and responses.
Please review the Red Emergency Binder – there is one located at every Circ Desk.
Be sure that you are familiar with what to do in an emergency.
In an emergency, if you are a student employee working at a branch library when no staff supervisor is scheduled, please alert the supervisor at Main by calling X 5494 as soon as possible after responding to the emergency.
After the event, please email your supervisor with event details.

Armstrong Group Study 159 can be reserved

Students, faculty and staff now may make reservations for Armstrong Group Study 159 (downstairs).  In the near future, all Armstrong staff members will be able to take requests for group study reservations and place them in the calendar for the room.  For now though, if you receive a request for a reservation, refer it to a supervisor (Nancy, Todd, or Carrie).  We still have to iron out procedures and policies.  We’ll share the procedures and policies when they’re done!

