Hi guys,

I don’t know how many of you have seen this video already, but I figured I’d post it since it offers a perspective on ownership, copyright, and videogames…from 1992. Yes, it shows. Painfully so.

Don’t Copy That Floppy was part of a campaign by the Software Publisher’s Association to discourage people from copying games, and it features the rap stylings of M.E. Hart as “MC Double Def DP” (the DP is for “disk protector”). It’s kind of interesting to be reminded that these issues have been around for quite a while and not just since the widespread adoption of the internet.


[youtube -Xfqkdh5Js4]

One thought on “Don’t Copy That Floppy!

  1. I remember seeing this somewhere–i love anti-piracy ads cause they try to persuade a cynical group of consumers (us) to not do things we love to do (steal and copy). The modern ads that appear before lots of DVDs is the one about “would you steal a car? Would you steal a purse? Copying a DVD is STEALING” I remember watching that ad on a burned copy of a dvd. that’s irony.

    also, the rapper’s dance moves reminded me of
    [youtube d0-Lui1TLL8]


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