The first thing you should do if you can’t find a reserve item is tell a supervisor about it immediately. It’s critical that we know that something is missing as soon as possible so we can do a thorough search for it. The sooner we know, the sooner we can take steps to replace an item if it’s truly missing. Please help us maintain an organized and complete reserves collection by letting a supervisor know ASAP if something can’t be found. Thanks for your help with this.
Tag Archives: missing
Case with DVD Missing or DVD with no Case?
Empty DVD case found and/or returned to Circ?
Check status in Mill Circ.
Checked out? Leave on borrower’s account and contact borrower via Lib Circ mailbox and place case on courtesy hold shelf until resolved
Not checked out?
Search for the DVD in the files
If not found, change status to missing
If there is a DVD sleeve, place sleeve in case and place case on P&P shelf
P&P will store the case
DVD but no case?
Check status in Mill Circ.
Checked out? Leave on borrower’s account and contact borrower via Lib Circ mailbox and place disc on courtesy hold shelf until resolved
Not checked out?
Search for case
If not found, change status to missing
If there is a DVD sleeve, place DVD in sleeve and place disc on P&P shelf
P&P will create a new case as needed
Can’t Find It? Reported Missing?
When you can’t find the library material you are looking for or someone reports an item missing, here is what to do:
Look it up in Mill Circ – and verify status (is it already checked out, or marked missing?), location (where is it supposed to live?), last activity date (long-gone or maybe recently used) – these can be helpful clues in finding it
Place it on hold for the borrower and change the status to missing
Print item record (summary view)
Now search all possible places for it
If you are unable to leave the front desk and search for it immediately, refer it to (or set it aside for) a Circ supervisor
If not found after a thorough search, refer to a supervisor to cancel the hold so that the borrower is alerted that it was not found
Always suggest NExpress – or if not available in NExpress, suggest ILL – and show them how if they are unfamiliar with the process.
Questions about Library Bills and Lost Library Materials?
This time of year we usually get many questions about missing, lost, damaged and “long lost and found again” library materials at the front desks. Please refer all questions about billing and refunds to me. You (and the borrower) can contact me at with any questions or concerns.
Please review the information about Lost and Damaged policies.
A couple of tips:
*Lost/billed materials will eventually be transferred to the borrowers college bill, but please encourage the borrower to pay the charges at the desk to clear their account. This is the fastest and easiest way. Paying with a credit card is the easiest way to process a refund IF the item is later found. If you process a payment (ask a supervisor how if you’ve never done it), please be sure to give a receipt to the borrower – required for a refund.
*To maintain the integrity of the collections, it is the preferred policy that borrowers pay for lost or damaged materials.
*Requests to “pay” for the item with an exact copy may be considered on a case by case basis, but will delay clearing the charges, as it takes quite a bit longer to process and resolve.
*If you get the message “item lost and paid” when checking in materials, please email me with the title, call# and barcode# of the item before sending it to the shelves
*Please check carefully for damage (beyond normal wear and tear) BEFORE checking in – and alert a supervisor to the damage. If it looks like willful damage or severe neglect by the borrower, do not check it in – place on/forward to my desk in 250A
Let me know if you have any questions.
Circ Desk Keys
All keys that leave the circ desk should be checked out in the system. If you loan out a key without a barcode, you are responsible for ensuring its return.
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Order requests – who to contact
Canceling a request will generate a cancellation notice to the borrower – text listed below is for a missing item – test varies slightly based on the reason for the cancellation.
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