We have had at least one instance of Banner changing a current student to their summer status of Mills LS student a couple of weeks early, which creates loan rule issues. If you experience any odd loan rule messages upon check-out, please let a supervisor know. Supervisors – this can easily be fixed by changing their patron type to either first-year, sophomore, junior, or senior.
Tag Archives: LS@Mills
All you ever wanted to know about paging and retrieval
As you have all noticed by now, paging and retrieval is in full swing! Lots of questions yesterday about correct procedure for processing, so here is a (not so) brief overview, all you ever wanted to know about paging slips! :-).
Please refer questions/concerns to Kellam or Dan. Thanks!
Retrieving library materials to fill requests for NExpress, ILL, MiddCampus, Davison (Breadloaf), Mills (California) etc.
* Process paging slips in the Mill Circ Notice system (mnotices/mnotices) A minimum of 3 times daily – morning, early afternoon, and evening – or more frequently to ensure timely request processing and delivery
* Davis Family Stacks: In the absence of Stacks, ILL will retrieve; if ILL unable to pick up by 2 pm, Circ will retrieve
* Incorporate BLSE/Davison Library requests into existing Midd, NExpress, and ILL paging and retrieval workflow
* BLSE requests have priority over main campus hold requests
* NExpress requests have top priority over everything
* Check daily that items for Bread Loaf/Davison Library are not placed on the Davis Family Library hold shelf (especially critical this year due to the Davis Family Libary name change at Main)
* Sort all paging slips by branch location and type of request (Midd or NExpress)
* Place all pending requests in clear sleeve on red NExpress cart in ILL work area
* Fax paging slips to branches for retrieval
Armstrong fax – 2016
Music fax – 2332
* Branches: items for BL borrowers will go in transit when scanned at branches; send to Davis Family Library in courier bin; scan/check in at the Davis Family Library; place items in Davison bin.
* For items being held at main campus locations – follow standard procedures and check in to generate hold or transit status
* Double check pick-up location – do not use borrower address on paging slip as pick-up location
Davison Requests Workflow
* Sort out all requests going to BLSE
* Retrieve items
* Check carefully for pick-up location – some BL borrowers may request pick-up at other locations
* Do not send items for pick-up at Davis Family Library (or Arm or Mus) to Davison
* Fold paging slip in half lengthwise, insert into book. Place in Davison courier bin for delivery to Davison hold shelf – items will have “in transit” status (leave paging slip in item; you do not need to print transit slip – items will be scanned in and a hold slip printed at pick-up location)
* Items that cannot be requested through the web: On reserve; In-lib-use and non-circulating collections; items with hold location Davison Library (BL borrower may retrieve from shelves; priority is given to BL borrowers for Davison materials; exceptions can be made by Circ staff through the Mill Circ client); Checked-out – do not recall if at all possible – advise borrower to place a request through NExpress or ILL if unavailable
* Requested through NExpress by borrower
* NExpress requests for delivery to Davison will be delivered to Davis Family Library Circ with all other ILL and NExpress materials
* Davis Family Library Circ will separate out Davison items; follow standard procedure for scanning and dating
* Place in transit to Davison
ILL Requests
* Requested through ILLiad by borrower with a pick-up location of Davison
* ILL requests for delivery to Davison will be delivered to Davis Family Library Circ for scanning/check-in with all other ILL and NExpress materials
* Davis Family Library Circ will separate out Bread Loaf items; follow standard procedure for scanning and verifying item records etc.
* Place hold on Bread Loaf ILL items @ Davis Family Library Circ in patron record (verify that you are in the correct borrower account) and stamp/write today’s date on green band (so we can track when it was placed on the hold shelf at Davison). When the item is checked in to generate the hold, it will then go in-transit up to Davison. Place it in the bin for Davison.
* Borrower will be notified by ILLiad e-mail and Millennium email (once it is checked-in at Davison).
Requests not filled:
* Not on shelf – missing: Call up by barcode in search/hold. Verify that you are in the correct record. Click on hold tab. Highlight hold. Select option to cancel hold. Select option to cancel hold and mark missing. Select appropriate cancellation notice. Requester will be notified through the notice system
Other Collections:
CMC: Curriculum Materials Collection *Non-circulating: Refer to Education Studies Dept, Twilight Hall for exceptions
CSO: Career Service Office
* Non-circulating
Scott Center
* Non-circulating
Music and Armstrong Requests
* Sort and fax paging slips to branches for retrieval
* Retrieve and check in at branch to generate transit status. Send item to Davis Family Library for delivery to Davison
* Requests from the branches will arrive in the courier bins for delivery to Davison
Items requested for pickup at Mills – Summer session only
* Any paging slip with a pickup location of Mills should follow this procedure
* If item is not on shelf, a standard cancellation notice will be generated by Main Circ and the item status will be changed to “missing”
* If item is on shelf, item is pulled, and then checked in, which will put the item in transit to Mills. Paging slip is placed in the item.
* Circ will cancel the hold using the new Mills hold cancellation notice. This will alert the patron at Mills that the item will be shipped to them shortly.
* Item is placed RUSH on Cataloging shelf @ Main Circ
(Circ’s involvement ends at this point; CM and LS Liaison evaluate item for transfer or ILL; if replacement item is available, item will be transferred to the Midd at Mills campus collection; Cataloging will edit and mask bib record; add 949 field – which creates an item record at Mills; item will be visible in client (loc omill), but not in MidCat; ILL will ship; if replacement item is not available, SKIP step 3; item will be processed as an ILL, shipped by ILL, and returned to Midd campus
* Meet Bread Loaf courier to exchange incoming/outgoing bins
* May or may not have been checked in @ Davison Library
* Check in @ Davis Family Library to clear transit status
* Sensitize
* Continue to transit to branches
Davison Library Reserves
* If returned to Main Campus, please send back up to Davison immediately
Courier Schedule between Davis Family Library and Davison
* Mon – Fri: Approximately 9:30 am (leaves BL at 9 am) and 2:00 pm (leaves BL at 1:30 pm)
* Sat and Sun: Approximately 9:30 am (leaves BL at 9 am)
Deliver bins IMMEDIATELY to the back SHIPPING & RECEIVING AREA when the BL courier calls the Main Circ Desk
Open & meet the courier at the shipping/garage door and trade incoming/outgoing bins
For more detailed info about Bread Loaf/Davison Library procedures check here.
LS@Mills – New Pick-up Location
Please note a new pick up location for our Language Schools at Mills College in California when paging requests.
Here is a summary of the workflow:
1. Patron logs in to Midcat at Mills, places a request to be picked up in California
2. Paging slip is generated here and sorted by Main Circ.
3. Item is retrieved
4. Item is checked in, which will generate a new hold pickup notification telling the patron that the item is on the way and may be picked up at Mills Circ when they are notified by Mills’ system.
5. If item is not available, a standard cancellation notice will be generated (refer to Circ supervisor to cancel request if not found)
6. Place item on Cataloging shelf @ Circ
7. Item will go to Collections Management, where it will be processed for Mills in the regular manner, then shipped out by ILL.