I noticed on the LIS Blog you can view both categories and tags on the side of the main page. Can we add the categories back onto our main page? Who knows how to do this? I can’t seem to figure it out…
Author Archives: Joanne Stewart
Copyright tools created by ALA
Cute and useful, although they don’t (can’t) give the whole picture since they speak only to specific sections of the law
Section 108 digital spinner (Reproductions by Libraries or Archives for their users, for replacement or preservation)
Public Domain digital slider (Is it protected by Copyright?)
Copyright Basics – The Video
Click HERE to view the Copyright Basics Video. Click the white triangle (embedded in the letter B in the middle of the video screen) to start the video, and the icon to the right of the displayed time (6:19) to enlarge the screen.
Weekly Report Circ 4/22/09
User Services Leader Weekly Report
Date: 22 April 2008
Name: Joanne Stewart – Workgroups: Circulation, Stacks, Reserves
Stats: Continue reading
Free Webinar: Creating a Customer-Focused Culture in Your Library
Shall we listen to this webinar as a group at Circ on Friday, April 24?
Requests for reserve materials to be taken out over break?
Please see break policy for reserve books
Looking for an article on reserve?
This semester we have a number of articles by the Harvard Business School on reserve. They are located in the file cabinet drawers to the left of the Circ printer. Normally, reprints are filed by author’s last name, then the title of the article. Since these reprints have no specific author, they are all filed by the title of the article.
Please remove the photocopy from the manila folder to check out the item. When articles are returned, file in appropriate manila folder.
Many thanks!
Looking for a reserve book not yet on the shelf?
PLEASE, don’t send them away! There are lots of books waiting to be processed for reserves. Please ask Joanne or Kellam. If we locate the item, we will quickly make it available to them.
WT Faculty Books and Media on Reserve
Winter Term Faculty may stop by the Circ Desk and ask for their personal item (either book or media item) they placed on reserve for the term. As you return their copy, please print out the item record and place it on the reserve shelf (indicate “returned to faculty” on the print-out)