Monthly Archives: March 2011

Sneak Preview

Please  check out these two new video tutorials created by our librarians.  They may be the first in a series, and we’d like to know what students think of them!

Questions for you to ponder:

  1. Do you think these are useful?
  2. Any other thoughts to share?
  3. Do you think short, visual tutorials like these (in general) could be useful?
  4. Any suggestions for topics to cover in future tutorials?

Please click on “Leave a Reply” below, or send your comments to Carrie at  Thanks!

First Phase of the Move underway this week and next

The Movers are here to start shifting the collection to make room for the Music Library materials. Patrons will be instructed to let the Circ desk know if they need access to a material that is inaccessible due to the move. Circ staff will collect these requests and go once a day (unless we get a ton of requests) to retrieve the materials, which we will then put on hold for the patrons. Circ staff should ask the Meyers Movers staff before taking books off of shelves or their carts. After business hours, things should be accessible by all patrons. If you need to contact the Movers for any reason, there is a business card on my desk under the egg.

The Return of STATS WEEK!

Hi all. Some of you have fond memories of last semester’s stats extravaganza. For those of you who don’t, allow me to explain; We keep track of every time we get asked a question. (With the exception of “Can you get this book for me?”) Just go to this form and fill in the appropriate information. If you are not sure what kind of question it is, just guess. Please continue to do this all week every time you get asked a question. The library gods will be pleased.