Monthly Archives: January 2010

Bindery Slips

dvdA reminder to use the blue bindery slips when placing things on the P&P shelf – especially for media – and when it is not obvious what the damage/problem might be. If a borrower reports a problem with a DVD or video, please write the specific details of the problem on the slip.
If it is reserve media, add a yellow rush slip in addition to the blue slip, and alert the Reserve Office.
See this previous post for more info.

NExpress Tip – Visitor Check-Out

Did you know?
Students from our NExpress partner libraries – Williams, Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, Northeastern, Wellesley – can borrow directly from Midd with their home school ID and Midd students can borrow directly from NExpress partner schools with their Midd ID.
Please refer questions to a supervisor. The check-out mode is in the NExpress module of Mill Circ. Select the home school and type in the ID number, verify that you are in the correct borrower record, check-out as usual.

Circ student of the week

Congratulations to Cassidy – our Circ student-of-the week!
I am pleased to be able to recognize Cassidy for providing excellent customer service, for being dependable and reliable, for taking the initiative to notice what needs doing when, for efficiently and accurately completing assigned and routine tasks, and for always being cheery – even at 8 am in the morning! There is a smiling Lindt chocolate snowman with your name on it at Main Circ, Cassidy. Thanks for all your good work.

Remember to send me your nominations by Thursday of every week. Thanks!

Senior Thesis Carrels – Monday 1/11

Hey everyone!
Just a reminder that carrels will begin to be offered to seniors writing Winter term/Spring term theses this coming Monday, January 11. Please take a moment to refamiliarize yourselves with the policies and procedures on the LIS wiki.

The carrel map and applications are on a green clipboard on my desk. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Broken media cases and items returned missing disc(s)

If an item is returned with a broken case to Main circ:

– and is a Music item, please check the item in and put it in the bin to Music. We will fix it there.
– and is a Main item, follow the usual procedure.

If an item is returned missing disc(s) to Main circ:

– do NOT check in.
– notify the patron (either in person or via email), tell them to return the missing disc to Main.
– place the item on the 24 hour hold shelf to await the missing disc.