When you can’t find the library material you are looking for or someone reports an item missing, here is what to do:
Look it up in Mill Circ – and verify status (is it already checked out, or marked missing?), location (where is it supposed to live?), last activity date (long-gone or maybe recently used) – these can be helpful clues in finding it
Place it on hold for the borrower and change the status to missing
Print item record (summary view)
Now search all possible places for it
If you are unable to leave the front desk and search for it immediately, refer it to (or set it aside for) a Circ supervisor
If not found after a thorough search, refer to a supervisor to cancel the hold so that the borrower is alerted that it was not found
Always suggest NExpress – or if not available in NExpress, suggest ILL – and show them how if they are unfamiliar with the process.