A reminder about workflow for Middlebury materials that have been out on loan to our partner NExpress Libraries.
Main ILL staff:
Unpack and sort (boxes come from libraries with mix of ILL and Nexpress materials; incoming loans for Midd and returns to Midd)
NExpress returns:
Check in by ILL Lending staff
Deliver to Circ on “Nexpress Returns” cart for check-in by Circ staff
Circ Students, check in process:
Remove Blue NExpress bands (and recycle)
In Mill Circ – check-in mode
Scan barcode – message will say” Item has status OFF CAMPUS and has been cleared”
Click on OK
Items for transit to branches – no need to print transit slip, unless to be held for another borrower
Sort to re-shelving areas and branch hold/transit shelves
Return cart to ILL work area
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