Need help finding a book?

From our web pages:
Need help finding a book?
If you can’t find the library material you’re looking for, try these steps:

Check the listing in the library catalogue to make sure the item is listed as status available.
Make sure you’re looking in the correct library: Armstrong (McCardell Bicentennial Hall), Main Library, Music Library (CFA).
Check the “Location” of the item, it might be part of a specific collection: Reference, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Oversize, Vermont Collection, Reserves, Media, Government Documents, Mini-scores, or Special Collections. Each of these collections is housed together in separate areas in each Library, not with regular books on the shelves.
Check the Library Map to make sure you’re looking in the right place.
If you still can’t locate the item you’re looking for on the shelf, please report it missing.

There are several ways to do this:

Place a request through the library catalog, MidCat. This will initiate a search and we will hold the book for you if found. We will notify you by email if not found.

Library Circulation at,

Main Library Circulation Desk at 802-443-5494
Music Library at 802-443-5218
Armstrong Library at 802-443-5449

In person:
Stop at one of the Circulation Desks in person.


  1. Two things:
    1: A lot of students come asking for Ethernet(yellow) cables and we seem to have run out of them. Can we get more of these in armstrong since at closing times there are only a few that are recovered from desks?

    2: There a few Flash(USB/Pen) drives in the cash drawer that nobody seems to be looking for. What is the policy regarding this? I mean should the student employees/Or the supervisors check in the data to find out who the item belongs to and email them?


  2. Thank you for the comments and questions! Always good to know what kinds of questions come up in the evening hours when supervisors are not around. I will answer your questions in a separate blog post since other student employees may have the same questions.

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