As of today, all item records in Millennium will have a “last updated date” of 7/5/16. This is regardless of when they were actually last updated, due to the fiscal rollover of “year to date” circ data. If anyone runs lists or anything based on that date, make a note.
Tag Archives: mill circ
Mill Circ PID
From Mike Lynch:
When using the Millennium client, if you click on Help –> About, you will see information about your current session, including the JRE version, current Login and Initials, current Scope and Server PID.
That last will be helpful to us when a session is hung and we need to kill it. By knowing the PIDs of the sessions that are running, we can kill the bad one without asking everyone to log off.
Offline Circ
Barbara in Systems has updated the offline circ section of the Circ wiki.
Offline Circ data must be uploaded to system BEFORE Online Circ activity resumes.
Once the online Millennium Circ client is up and running again, Circ needs to upload the Offline Circ files. Once they files are uploaded, Systems staff need to process them into the database. Please review the procedures on the wiki so you are prepared the next time the system is unavailable.