The compact shelves on the main level are broken and we have shut them off. If someone needs a book from that section, there are signs for them to either email circ or come to the desk and fill out a request slip. The slips are on the cart next to Janine’s desk. We will retrieve books in the morning and afternoon and email the patrons as soon as they are available. Circ staff, please put the books on hold for the patron and email them directly.
Tag Archives: compact-shelving
Armstrong Compact shelving issues
A section of the compact shelving (bound periodicals QP 1- QP 351) in Armstrong is not working correctly. Sometimes it’s not resetting after it has been opened and therefore none of the aisles in that area can then open. I will post signs in this area directing patrons to the circualtion desk if they have problems opening an aisle. Below is a set of instructions for using our service key” to override the shelving unit if it does get stuck. Please carefully check all aisles that will open or close when using the override key to make sure no one is in those aisles.
Compact Shelving Won’t Reset – instructions
STOP: and first check that all of the aisles you are opening are completely empty.
Get “Service Key” (looks like TV remote control) from the drawer below the cash drawer.
- Point it at the inoperative shelve unit.
- Push the yellow button (has a triangle and “!” on it).
- On the book shelf: hold in the button that is supposed to open the aisle (the button must be held in, as it will stop moving as soon as you let off the button).
- Once you’ve moved it about one foot, let off the button.
- Now push the “Reset” button on the shelf.
- If the shelf doesn’t reset, try repeating these steps again.