Tag Archives: communication

Collection issues @ the circ desk

Hi everyone

I wanted to ask staff who deal frequently with patrons (circ/reserves/ILL) that if you are placed in the uncomfortable position of telling faculty (or others) that our policies don’t allow us to do “something” (e.g., purchase textbooks, multiple copies, multiple formats (e- and print), etc.), and you get pushback about this, to please feel free to refer the patron to me, or you can just give me a call yourself at x5045.

There are several reasons for this: sometimes we do make exceptions, and I don’t want you folks to be caught in the role of “nay-sayer,” only to be overruled later by me or someone else.  Also, it is helpful for me to know where the pressure points are, and where our existing policies might be causing stress or distress.  Knowing about these types of issues can spur us to revisit and rethink policies that may be proving to be more of a hindrance than a benefit.  So keep me in the loop!
