User Services Weekly Report
Date: 10 Feb 2010
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Author Archives: Elin Waagen
LIS Liaisons to Academic Departments
Liaisons to Academic Departments
To make it easier for faculty to find information and resources quickly, the Academic Consulting Services group within LIS designates a liaison as the primary LIS representative to each academic department.
For questions about library or technology resources, please refer faculty to their LIS liaison. See this page for more info. Also check this spreadsheet for a complete listing of LIS liaisons.
Room Reservations
Getting questions about room reservations in the Main Library? Here is some up to date info.
Please refer questions about rooms not scheduled by LIS to Event Management at go/scheduling.
Daily Bookings – reserve media and equipment
Daily Bookings – a reminder that reserve media and equipment are both bookable. They can be sorted by location to make it easier to view booking lists for the day ahead.
* View daily bookings – sort by location – equipment (mmce); media on reserves(mmcs)
* Main is the default location; start date is today; click DISPLAY, highlight all notices, print slips to view daily report (printing is optional)
* Check equipment closets for booking slips and availability of equipment
* Print slips as needed
* Attach individual slips to requested equipment, and set aside in designated areas
* Follow up as needed with overdues to insure availability of equipment and media; right-click to view item details and status
Printing and Quotas
Message from the Helpdesk:
The new process for student printing and quotas starts today.
Here are two Go links for easy access:
Each will take you to our new public facing wiki procedure document for student printing and quotas.
Please make sure you are familiar with the process and document contents. Thank you.
Happy first day of spring semester!
Welcome back! Happy first day of spring semester!
Stop by Main Circ for a chocolate chip cookie.
Remember to read the Circ blog every shift for announcements about cookies and candy – and other important things. 🙂
Room reservation changes
FYI – room reservation procedures have changed. Scheduling of rooms in the Main Library will be transitioning to the Department of Event Management.
Here is a room by room description:
from now till end of February 2010, continue to use Outlook
in March, shift to Department of Event Management on their 25Live scheduling system. LIS may also schedule
LIB132 (the former Instructional Tech / Web Services office shared office space)
this is available for LIS meetings – scheduled by LIS (via Outlook)
LIB140 (classroom/computer lab)
as always, handled by Event Management
LIB145 (same protocol as LIB221)
from now till end of February 2010, continue to use Outlook
in March, shift to 25Live
LIS will schedule daytime meetings
Event Management will schedule evening/weekend events
LIB145 “reserved” for LIS use (or other academic/administrative office meetings) from 8am-5:30pm weekdays
LIB150A-D (group studies)
Event Management will handle these, beginning spring semester 2010
LIB220 (Wilson Media Lab)
will remain LIS-only scheduling, via Outlook
LIB221 (same protocol as LIB145)
from now till end of February 2010, continue to use Outlook
in March, shift to 25Live
LIS will schedule daytime meetings
Event Management will schedule evening/weekend events
LIB221 “reserved” for LIS use (or other academic/administrative office meetings) from 8am-5:30pm weekdays
LIB230 (seminar room)
as always, handled by Event Management
LIB240A-B(group viewing rooms)
Event Management will handle these, beginning spring semester 2010
Lobby, Reading Room events/displays
LIS will coordinate with Event Management; will be included in 25Live
New borrowing web page
As you may have noticed – we have an exciting new borrowing page!
Please refer our borrowers to these pages for questions about borrowing. Loaded with good info! 🙂
In addition, the Library has a new home page for quick and easy access to research resources.
Use the new LIS home page for questions about LIS things beyond research and borrowing.
The Help and Support pages can help you find all things Helpdesk and Media Services related.
The website is very intuitive, and has really good search functionality, but please take a little time on your next shift to familiarize yourself with these resources so that you can better assist our borrowers with questions.
Tell us what you like – and don’t like! Please direct comments and feedback about the new website to this link.
Circ Weekly Report 2/3
User Services Weekly Report
Date: 3 Feb 2010
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