Circ meeting minutes 8-28-2014

Present: Nancy, Rachel, Todd, Kim, Janine, Kellam, Dan

Dan gave a list of updates that people should know before Fall:

* update on the circ sub pool and possibilities moving forward
* Print cash cards are coming back
* Carrels are ready to go the second Tuesday of the semester – signs will be posted. No changes to the procedure from last Fall
* Student schedule is largely set, will need to hire a couple
* Microsoft office is no longer available on disc to install. Send people to the Helpdesk or go/getoffice
* 105 is being renovated as the new video conferencing room. Most work will be done during J-term (tentative)
* Lights are still broken. Hopefully fixed before Fall.
* Kim and Janine will work Labor Day. That’s about it.
* Dan thinks he may have figured out a “due at closing” loan rule.” Will test once we are open till 1.
* That’s all. Picnic time.

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