Weekly Report 11-11-10

User Services Weekly Report
Date: 11-11-10
Name: Dan Frostman
Circulation Services – Circ, Reserves, and Stacks

Statistics: nothing exciting
Highlights: (Progress towards Goals, accomplishments)
• Stats week
• Lots of student shift swapping
• Searching missing books
• ILL steady
• Lots of student shift swapping
• Various discussions regarding the upcoming move
Davis Family:
• All the student sign-up sheets are out (Thanksgiving, Exams, J-term); will put into Outlook soon
• Clean up after Halloween
• Friday afternoons, Davis becomes the campus video store
• Power outage Monday morning – no major issues
• Stats week!
• Student ref sessions with Steve – 7 attendees
• Legal Side of Supervision workshop – staff torture is apparently NOT legal (who knew?), so apologies all around
• User Services Student supervision goal wrapping up – no more meetings – customer service workshop planned for January
• Returns jumped up another notch
• Expect to add more students to re-shelving tasks
• More reports of carrel lock problems
• Met with Hans to discuss measurement of the collection in preparation for Music Library move – planning underway – May use circ subs to help with measuring
• Fixed self-check after power outage
• Online copyright course
• Very little reserve activity right now
CT team: waiting on ADs for advice on Blackboard (whether or not it can be an option based on price)
Space Team: studying original Music Library move document – coming up with new draft

• Self-check machine grumpy after the power outage
• Remembering to keep ref stats

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