The Yellow Cable Strikes Back

Coming soon to the circulation desk nearest you…

We will soon have a limited supply of yellow ethernet cables that we will be distributing to patrons until the end of exams. Please follow the procedure below and be sure to ask a supervisor if you have questions.

1. Take the patron’s ID card
2. Place the card in the special ID box in alphabetical order by last name
3. Give the patron an ethernet cable
4. When the patron returns the cable, return their ID to them. Please be sure it is the correct ID.

* If someone needs to check something out but their ID is in the special ID box, please find their ID by their last name, check out the item(s), and return the ID to the box.
* For Middlebury students, faculty, and staff only. No guest users.
* NO cables may be borrowed after circulation is closed for the evening. Cables can still be returned, however.
There is also information available in the wiki.

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