We’ve already gone through and cleaned out all the thesis carrels in the Main Library, and are now at work on policies and procedures for the start of the academic year.
As seniors start returning to campus, they may ask you at the various Circ Desks about how and when to get a carrel. We’ll begin checking out thesis carrels on the second Monday of classes, September 14. There’s currently a question of whether we will give out carrels that Monday morning, or wait until Monday evening. Do you have a preference, or pro/con ideas about the time of day? If so, please add your thoughts as a comment below in the next couple of days.
Seniors are the only students eligible for a carrel, and they also need to be currently enrolled in a 500, 600, or 700-level thesis or independent project. 500 and above level senior seminars do NOT give thesis carrel eligibility. Seniors will need a printout from Bannerweb confirming their enrollment in an appropriate course in order to check out a carrel.
Additionally, a new policy change for this year is that we will no longer be giving out orange due date slips for display on carrels and lockers. Staff will continue to periodically check library books on carrels to see if they are checked out or not, and remove them if they aren’t, but we will no longer be using the due date slips for this purpose.