Circ staff – please review and alert me to any omissions. Thanks!
LIS Goals Update – Circulation Services
Feb 2009
Goal: Develop reliable and accurate measurements at circulation service points to document activity and quality of services.
Outcome: Able to measure goals/achievements, improvements and effectiveness of services; able to assess services and staffing patterns based on activity; utilize reports and statistics that accurately measure quality and quantity of services; able to provide stats that accurately reflect activity and staffing levels/schedules at all circ service points.
Possible actions: review and revise current processes; workshops; policies that promote consistent, accurate gathering and recording of numbers and observations.
People/areas involved: Circulation. ILL, User Services
Date: June 09
Progress on goal:
• Use of shared folders and Circ wiki for documentation of practices and recording of stats; Mill Circ statistical functions for gathering circ activity stats
• Desktop stats (same system as Info Desk) created and in use at all branches to record non-circ stats – recorded in shared folder
• Student worker training includes recording desk activity stats; Circ supervisors are encouraging and modeling accurate recording of non-circ activity – a work in progress
• Head count during evenings and at closing; during break periods; exam periods
• Procedure for counting in-library and periodicals use at branches; collaborating with Serials at Main
• Circ stats gathered and documented monthly across all branches
• Gate counts gathered and documented monthly across all branches
• Updated documentation and procedures for recording stats (on shared Circ wiki)
• Small reduction in student hours based on lower activity levels during dinner hour and early morning at Main Circ Desk
• Re-assed use of on-call Circ staff at Info on evenings/nights and weekends – based on Info Desk and Circ stats we were able to reduce budget hours; using stats and staff feedback used to determine peak activity times for scheduling Info Desk
• College breaks – hours reduced to 9-5 at Main based on use stats
• 24/7 and exam hours – use documented to assess service and to set hours
• Staff scheduling and cross-training/staff rotations – response to user patterns at peak times; opening, closing, reserve support, break periods, beginning of terms, end of terms
Our biggest challenge is a system for gathering accurate non-circ activity; we are working to increase compliance of recording activity via desktop stats by student workers
Also – no system in place for recording in house use, “gate” counts and activity stats at Davison Library
Goal: Create effective schedule of Circ meetings and paths of communication within workgroup
Outcome: Effective meetings; well attended; active participation; all members of the team utilize blogs for communication and wiki for documentation; opportunity for staying informed
Possible Actions: Read GTD; HR workshop on communication; blog and wiki workshops
People/areas involved: Circ, Reserves, Stacks, HelpDesk, HR
Date: March 09
New meeting schedule 2X/month; 4th Mon 3pm; 4th Thurs 6 pm – by group vote; 1 during evening, 1 in afternoon to accommodate different staff schedules; other meetings will be added as agenda items and training/project topics come up; meeting notes posted on blog to keep those unable to attend informed
Agenda items solicited and meetings cancelled if no specific agenda or workshop
Regular monthly Circ meeting – used for updates and news; round tables; workshops/training; blog has reduced need to meet bi-weekly
The blog seeing increased use; major decrease in flood of departmental email; updates are searchable and easy to find
Circ wiki used for developing, documenting and communicating procedures and workflows
Meetings well attended and productive – utilized for training, and include workshops and guest speakers (SEO, HR, Helpdesk, Media Lab, Reference, Collections Management); and include ILL staff
The blog has improved communication for the night/weekend student workers at Armstrong and has reduced excessive e-mail
Media Lab workshops about wikis, blogs, RSS feed readers during our regularly scheduled meeting time to facilitate blogs as a communication tool and wikis as a shared platform for developing content, policies, procedures etc.
Workshops, books etc – Getting Things Done – most Circ staff have read, HR Zero inbox workshop, HR Fifth Discipline book discussion group; other professional literature and HR and HD workshops
All Circ and branch staff schedules on Outlook
Goal: Develop regular schedule and content for student training; increase staff supervision skills; increase ability of student workers to work independently utilizing good judgment; formalize and improve consistency of documentation, supervision and training by Circ supervisors; consistent expectations and knowledge base of student workers and supervisors across all branches.
Outcome: Reduced rate of staff intervention and monitoring of routine desk activity; increased staff self-confidence by developing supervisory tools and skills; increased customer confidence; as measured by staff assessment.
Possible actions: student training meetings; SEO workshop for supervisors; collaborate with SEO on development of student policies; student policies, procedures and expectations on wiki; shared development and access to procedures for supervision; web based toolbox for supporting small group and 1:1 training; review student levels; review student log-in permissions; cross-training and staff rotation program; staff survey.
People/areas involved: Circ, SEO, HR, User Services, LIS
Date: June 09
Progress on Goal
• Training checklists developed in collaboration across branches; min 1.5 hour training shift; 2 shadow shifts before solo; feedback and involvement by all Circ staff with hiring supervisor taking lead; initial 1:1 or small group training and orientation; once semester training meetings – attendance required; foster community with special events, celebrations etc.
Annual student employee performance reviews; all supervisors given opportunity to provide feedback
Updated student employee documentation developed in collaboration across branches – training, hiring, policy, procedures, confidentiality agreement on the Circ Wiki; links to SEO for established policies and procedures – contracts, job description etc.
Student employees required to read the Circ blog at the beginning of their shift for updates; changes to policy and procedure; developed student pages/categories to facilitate communication and training – proving to be a useful tool; minimized email sent to students when they were away from the job; updates communicated when students on shift; required reading at beginning of every shift; shortcut link to blogs on every desktop; compliance a work in process
Staff rotation program – schedule resumed Feb 09; cross-training ILL, Reserves; Circ at all three branches
All student schedules on Outlook; schedule (updates, sub arrangements etc.)communication facilitated by group email lists and Circ mailbox
User Services student employee customer service training for circulation students in collaboration with HR – summer 08
Dee Gilbert from SEO (Student Employment Office) presented a tutorial on student supervision skills and policies/procedures
Training and workshops on blogs and wikis
Brown bag training sessions for Web 2.0 – Fall 08
Key Survey used to assess student employee workshop format – results posted on blog for developing future workshops
Pending – request to have basic Ref skills training for front line assistance and referrals
Goal: Increase opportunity for collaboration and communication with Public Safety
Outcome: Foster good working relationship with PS Officers
Possible actions: meet with Head of PS; plan a joint workshop with HR; Circ open house
People/areas involved: Public Safety, Circ,
Date: March 09
Progress on goal:
• Attended ACRL NE ASIG Conference on Security – Fall 08
• Communication with PS – officers re-instituted walk through at the Main Library at/soon after closing
• Pending – request to have PS attend a Circ meeting to present a personal/workplace safety workshop
Goal: Reduce error rate at check-in/check-out and re-shelving.
Outcome: Reduced incidents of claims returned, mis-shelved, and missing materials; eliminate lost/missing parts to equipment kits; increase customer confidence; establish baseline for measuring improvement.
Possible actions: training programs; set standards/expectations/policies for supervisors and student workers; develop workflows that reduce potential for errors.
People/areas involved: Circ, Reserves, ILL, Stacks
Date: Feb 09
Progress on goal:
• Workflow review to institute regular system of checking re-shelving carts; re-checking in the ILL and NExpress items from the returns cart before returning them to the ILL shipping area
• Checklists and documentation updated and developed on Circ wiki
• Instituted a mandatory weekday shift at Arm to eliminate communication and training problems when student employee shifts never overlap with supervisors
• Daily, weekly and monthly quality check reports generated to identify “too long” missing, requested, paged, recalled, overdue, in process, in transit etc.
• Equipment labeling and item messages to identify parts in cases; color coding of labels to facilitate return to correct branch
Goal: Develop Media Materials Workflow.
Outcome: Media collection that is available and in good condition to support screening and classroom, reserve viewing needs.
Possible actions: re-label/improve shelving for LD collection; proposal for media replacement/acquisition; system for regular shelf-reading; training; shelf-shifting and labeling; review system for browsing media as collection grows; review repair workflow.
People/areas involved: Circ, Reserves, P&P, Collections Management, Media Services, Film Screenings, Helpdesk
Date: Feb 09
Progress on goal:
• LD collection re-labeled and shelf markers added
• Design on-line media/screening request form – in progress
• Cross-departmental meetings to develop film screening workflow; slightly improved view of FMP events for preparing media at Circ
• Transferred newly ordered DVDs from Browsing collection to Main DVD – Circ Desk collection at faculty request
• Added copies of DVD’s when needed for multiple classes; item notes, reserves notes to restrict loans of media needed for multiple classes
• Added Library Reserve mailbox to film screening list in order to review film screening reports
• Shelf-reading the browsing DVD cases and files
• Updated film screening workflow/procedures – testing new system of setting aside media after processing to optimize quality and availability of screening material on day of screening
• Regular system of shelf-reading media on Reserve
Goal: Develop workflow policies/processes and standards for removing personal data from loaner equipment
Outcome: Data removed from equipment before next loan.
People/areas involved: Helpdesk, Circ, Media Services, Lab Manager
Date: Feb 09
Progress on Goals:
• Revised Macbook instruction sheets are complete and in all laptop cases; how-to documentation for FS laptop reimaging is complete (and in shared folder); staff training/reimaging workflow discussions are in progress
• Laptop and FW drive applications for wiping user data; new images for FS mac laptops
• HD staff designed system for new faculty/staff Macbooks to be easily reset back to their original state after each return. This means that all personal data and applications can be cleared from laptops before they go to the next borrower
• HD staff developed and demonstrated a very easy way to clear data from external hard drives
• Workflows, documentation – user and staff, training and workstation pending – in progress
• “Delete Files Before Return” labels now affixed to FS Dells and FW drives; item messages added/edited
Goal: Design and develop borrower services and staff efficiencies in concert with other LIS work areas to support the college strategic directions
Outcome: Circulation services that meet the changing needs of our users; borrower services that utilize new technologies and information trends and respond to user requests/feedback; services that utilize systems efficiencies and web based access
Possible actions: notices via mobile devices; self-services; site visits; reading/discussion groups; distribution of equipment pool across branches; improve user documentation on web pages; develop custom hold slips and explore use of receipt printers to reduce paper use; enhance web reserve requests; revise recall policy; explore alternatives to Docutek for electronic reserves; develop/evaluate skills necessary to accommodate shift to digital collections
People/areas involved: Circ, Reserves, LIS, Systems, Media Services, Liaison/Consulting/Project Management
Date: June 09
Progress on goal:
• Exploring SMS functionality of Innovative ILS for sending library notices by text
• Customized (and much improved) borrower hold slips; receipt printer tested – determined not practical for Circ use
• Circ – brainstorming “what we do” as a workgroup – a work in progress
• Providing support and opportunities for collaboration with MIIS Reserve/Circ staff
• LS handbook updates and collaborating on support to Mills
• Print management – testing print release
• E-reserves: Segue vs. Docutek – Students will be able to view ERes documents from their course Segue page, eliminating the need to visit the ERes site for their readings
• Met with CM to review Eres scanning and creating PDF procedure. Also reviewed ERes workflow procedures in anticipation of peak periods; cross-training to support Eres
• E-reserves: Reviewing linking procedures for on-line journals; documentation updated on Circ wiki
• Increased equipment available at branches through faculty and user requests; user patterns/stats
• Developed secure facilities for equipment storage at branches; lock installed on the equipment cabinet at Music in preparation for laptops available at Music for borrowing
• Armstrong – added a GPS unit, digital recorder, i-pods, i-talks, two USB microphones, one more Faculty/Staff Dell laptop and a mac adaptor this year; Armstrong staff member attended a GPS work shop to improve understanding of the GPS unit in the lender pool
Goal: Increase use of self-check machine at Main for routine check-out of books
Outcome: self-check use increased by 25%
Possible actions: signage; location; staff promotion/encouragement
People/areas involved: Circ
Date: June 09
Progress on goal:
Minimal progress; still establishing baseline for stats and use; need to develop signage; Circ staff continue to promote use as a choice for convenience and privacy; staff on hand if user encounters problems
Display settings adjusted – does not display user names and ID’s on screen; option to not print receipt
Time out settings adjusted to reduce incidents of frozen accounts
1 quite important development to note – negotiated the installation of a new scanner resulting in decrease in error incidents
Goal: Develop a proposal for staffing plan; LIS services, circulation workflows for Davison Library during BLSE and BLWC Summer 09
Outcome: Comprehensive LIS services provided to Bread Loaf School of English and Writers’ Conference community
Possible actions: outreach to BLSE/WC offices; add Davison pick-up location for NExpress; develop policies that facilitate efficient workflows and accurate records and effective stewardship of collections
People/areas involved: Circ, Reserves, ILL, Ref, BLSE, BLWC, Systems
Date: April 09
Progress on goal:
• Regular contact with BLSE office staff in place – need to collaborate on a platform/process to provide direct communication with faculty for Reserve support; and with faculty and students regarding Circ and Reserve policies and procedures
• Proposal for Circ staffing at BLSE 09 – draft completed; final editing in progress
• Reserve stats reviewed for implementing a proposal for limiting number of books faculty may request to send to BL locations: and promoting use of e-reserves; to reduce cost and to respond to issues of space limitations
• Request pending regarding recommendation for liaison and reference support at BLSE; lab support changes and other BLSE office staffing changes will impact Circ support to BLSE
Goal: Complete major collections shift on upper level at Main
Outcome: Space for growth; even distribution of current collection; space for peak return periods
People/areas involved: Stacks, Circ
Date: June 09
Progress on goal:
• Phase 1 completed Dec 08
• Phase 2 underway without utilizing extra funds; budget on target
• New permanent recently returned holding areas designated on Main and Upper level at Main
• Cross-training with Circ /Stacks to support re-shelving and shifting project
Goal: Collaborate of space improvements at all locations
Outcome: User spaces that respond to feedback and changing needs
Possible actions: Expanded seating and carrel space at Armstrong; improvements at Music; participate in discussions regarding service points at Main; site visits; research other library space solutions; training/workshops on customer services and providing library resources
People/areas involved: Circ, LIS, HR, Ref, User Services
Date: June 09
Progress on goal:
• All space improvements at Armstrong completed – five carrels added to the first level; removal of two shelving units that were replaced by two tables; increased seating on the second level of Armstrong; increased computing; group study with a large table and seating for 4; weeded out and compacted the reference area
• Attended Dartmouth October Conference – Space 2.0: Small Scale Library Redesign Projects- Oct 08