Faculty/staff Macbooks: important updates!

Fourteen new Macbooks for faculty/staff have been added to the equipment pool. Hooray! This is especially exciting because we are now able to quickly and easily reformat each laptop upon return, so that all personal data will be removed. This is a big step towards our goal of loaning equipment that is free from all personal documents, photos, programs, etc., and comes as a welcome improvement for our borrowers. A similar reformatting program is in progress for the Faculty/staff Dells, so please stay tuned for that.

New instructions sheets are included in all of the Macbook cases, so please refer users to those sheets so they are familiar with the new log in procedures (using their username and password instead of “loaner/loaner”). The instructions also include many warnings about data being deleted upon return and not being recoverable.

Students: please check in Macbooks as usual (checking for all accessories) and then direct the Macbook to a supervisor.

Supervisors: please reimage Macbooks as they are returned, and then place them back in the closet for circulation.  I’ll schedule a reimaging training session very soon; in the meantime, instructions are on the equipment work counter. The workflow is of course a work-in-progress and I’ll look forward to refining it with all of you.

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