Periodical use stats: a summary

The serials department is collecting usage stats for currently subscribed (both current and back-issues) periodicals. Here is a brief summary of how these stats are being collected at each of the three branches:

Main – ILL and Main use will be counted separately. ILL and Circ will place the periodicals that have been used in designated spots. Serials staff will collect the usage stats for both before the items are reshelved. Microforms are included in this count.

Armstrong – ILL and Armstrong use will be counted separately. Circ students and staff will collect the periodicals that have been used and record the stats on a sheet in room 208 before reshelving. Microforms are included in this count.

Music – ILL and Music use are NOT counted separately. There is a clipboard on the shelf of current periodicals on which patrons, staff, and circ students are being asked to record usage statistics. Music does not have any micrforms.

For more detailed information on location-specific practices, please search the blog for “serials”.

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