Sally and Melissa’s Remix Video

[youtube VdXIg0BNm84]

A parody of a parody?
“Patrolling Borders” examines the tropes of the Hollywood narrative — examining which tropes are mocked, questioning why we feel to desire to criticize them while they apparently provide us with pleasure on some level. Also, does “Super Troopers” work as a parody in and of itself — and if yes, why was it not marketed as one?

They have a T-Rex!

We are Elliot Gay and Laria Hambleton, and this is our remix video.

Creator’s Note:
The idea behind this was to show how within the realms of the remix video, people can alter the meanings of not only entire movies, but specific moments within the movie. For instance, Muldoon’s use of his phrase “Clever Girl” is used as a way of acknowledging the raptor’s intelligence in the actual movie. Here, it’s used to acknowledge the young girl and her hacking abilities.

In anycase, enough rambling. Enjoy!

[youtube 6OuOe3l5MMM]

Facebook is invading your mental/emotional space.

I spotted this while I was doing a brief morning browse through Facebook and I had to stop and laugh… even though I hadn’t yet had a needed dose of caffeine. I haven’t followed the link because I want to be able to continue pretending that the site you come to tries to sell you discount pharmaceuticals from El Salvador, and possibly strange, illegal aphrodisiacs poached from the wilds of Southeast Asia. Even the possibility of some kind of “love doctor” making money through snail-mail kits and tips is amusing, I suppose.

Anyway, it goes to show the breadth of small-time con artists trying to make a buck who are discovering the relatively cheap and presumably very effective form ad advertising available on everyone’s favorite social networking tool. Watch where you click.
Facebook Fixes Your Break-Up

The Truth

As videos are being disseminated at an accelerating pace, we are exposed to various conflicting subjective views pertaining to the same topic.This video attempts to express the way that media can effect one’s perception of foreign countries or ideals. We chose Argentina simply because Mica is from Argentina and questions the way that it is framed by both popular culture and academia within the US. We decided to call the video The Truth since we derived much of our inspiration for it from a clever political advertisement in which two conflicting points of view are presented. We do not claim that our video is the only truth, it presents just two of many truths. We tried to juxtapose a very happy view of the country with one tinged by revolt, corruption, violence and Argentinean Nazi propaganda. We set out to make people question the factual robustness of the information that they acquire through various mediums.

[youtube PGE4eZ5q2xw]

After watching the video ask yourself this question. Do you know Argentina?

Ernest and Mica

My Virtual War: A Disturbing Stroll Through a Simulated Battlefield

Hey, here’s another from Scientific American. I think that we might have talked about less immersing virtual training environments in class but the Office of Naval Research’s new $40 million research program is on a different level. The program, Virtual Technologies and Environments, has developed a sort of hamster ball for a Marine to stand in that monitors his/her movement and propels them through an urban combat sim. The journalist who tested it complained that he actually was afraid and nauseous while playing. When he finished, he was sweating since he actually had to walk around himself. The ball might be sold commercially for $20,000 USD. Here’s the article.


Don’t Copy That Floppy!

Hi guys,

I don’t know how many of you have seen this video already, but I figured I’d post it since it offers a perspective on ownership, copyright, and videogames…from 1992. Yes, it shows. Painfully so.

Don’t Copy That Floppy was part of a campaign by the Software Publisher’s Association to discourage people from copying games, and it features the rap stylings of M.E. Hart as “MC Double Def DP” (the DP is for “disk protector”). It’s kind of interesting to be reminded that these issues have been around for quite a while and not just since the widespread adoption of the internet.


[youtube -Xfqkdh5Js4]


In short, our video is a mashup of the film Independence Day with music that seemed more appropriate for a zany (and apparently sci-fi) romantic comedy. We then edited shots, dialogue, and recorded narration to suit any trailer for a Rob Reiner-directed romantic comedy (only infinitely and purposefully worse than Rob Reiner – more like if Roland Emmerich decided to make a romantic comedy). The result is, we hope, hilarious.

Our goal was not, as in the case of the mashup for The Shining, to completely change the tone of the source material, but rather to highlight under the signifiers of romantic comedy the frivolity that Independence Day seems to exhibit as a sci-fi/action genre film. We believe our video accomplished these goals inasmuch that Independence, our mashup film, seems to distort the story of the original film into a romantic comedy (we’ll let you see who falls in love with whom). Moreover, it doesn’t seem to take itself seriously, much like the original source material. To see exactly what we mean, check out the original Independence Day trailer and the British television version of the trailer.

-Derek & Jessie

[youtube B5xlojeUk3k]

I’m a Playa

After playing Guitar Hero and developing a split-second obsession with it today, I realized that the medium of the guitar controller is totally different than the stock console controllers used today (aside from the Wii). It kind of brought me back to my Duck Hunt days, when I pointed that bright orange plastic gun at the television screen. Anyway, I figured I’d share that little flashback in gaming that I experienced today.

Another thing I wanted to discuss (which is totally irrelevant to what was previously said) is the totally new platform for gaming that the iPhone will deliver… once developers get their hands on the new SDK developing software made for Apple by Apple (FABA). With its built in “accelerator,” Apple iPhone gaming reaches a whole new level where the person interacting just moves the iPhone around and gets instantaneous results in the game. If you’d like to dig deeper and see what I actually mean, check out this link to an article where this quote is taken from:

“The iPhone’s three-axis accelerometer and touch screen is earning the most comparisons to Nintendo’s Wii and its remote. To that end, Adams suggests that game publishers — and consumers — may want to take note of what’s happened in that market.”

MacWorld Article