This engineer took the digital look of time and created a machine that would display it on a totally different and more primitive medium… an etch-a-sketch. Enjoy and be marveled.
[youtube NypECY05ov4]
This engineer took the digital look of time and created a machine that would display it on a totally different and more primitive medium… an etch-a-sketch. Enjoy and be marveled.
[youtube NypECY05ov4]
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I really liked this video, if only because it demonstrates the weird aesthetic appeal of matching up (remixing?) old technologies with new. The etch-a-sketch in a way occupies that odd space between the analog world and the digital, because on the one hand it has the fine-tuned user control inherent in the analog but you can only draw in black and white and making curves is difficult. It thus suits itself to displaying digital time, but the engineer’s choice to use the etch-a-sketch seems a throwback to an analog childhood.