I want to show you all a different kind of remix video. It’s a collection of Shia LaBeouf saying “No,” in various films. This is a pretty popular technique, I know they have versions of movies that just have the f-word, like pulp fiction and superbad. Here’s a link to the superbad one.

Here’s the “No” since that seems a little more appropriate to embed for class.
[youtube 8IXCK1EyP4s&feature=PlayList&p=320D9C060F640453&index=9]

One thought on “No!

  1. I think this is hilarious…a number of my friends have seen it and I’m wondering whether the director just really loved the way Shia said ‘No’ so much that he incorporated it consistently throughout the movie. Were those clips only from Transformers and Disturbia?

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