This is a brief reminder to everyone to be sure that the borrowing time periods are followed when checking out various equipment items. No extensions are allowed without permission from a supervisor. Most popular items are one-day loan periods.
Quick review:
digital cameras (still): 1 day ONLY
camcorders (flash and mini-dv): 1 day ONLY
microphones: 1 day ONLY
LCD projectors: 1 day ONLY – *pay special attention since we do not have many in stock for this high demand item
digital voice recorders: 7 days
calculators – 4 hours
Since we are at the end of the semester, we are turning around these items quickly (daily) so we need to get them back to the desk by their due date. Others are in line for booking. Many students have blocked accounts due to late equipment returns; you will need to get a supervisor to speak with those students when they come to the desk. This is a very busy time and we thank you for all of your hard work! Let us know if you have any questions.