Dear Circ students,
Just a quick note to say THANK YOU!
I know that recent Circ staffing changes have impacted your jobs with us at our 3 branches. Thanks for welcoming new supervisors at Main Circ and for adjusting to the reduced supervisor presence at Music and Armstrong. I know that we expect a lot from you – and I know it can be a challenge at times to fulfill your work requirements – especially when your studies demand so much of your time and energy! I know this week is especially tough for many of you – so a BIG thanks for all your good work!
I have seen excellence in each of you at different times, for different reasons, and I would like to start recognizing a student employee of the week.
Feel free to nominate someone you think deserves recognition for doing a great job, and for being a great co-worker. Circ supervisors can also nominate student employees for excellence, good work and any special achievements.
I’ll post the student-employee-of the-week on the Circ blog on Fridays. To nominate a Circ student employee, please email me with their name and a brief reason why ( by Thursday of every week.