From Terry Simpkins:
I wanted to alert you to the VCAL reciprocal borrowing program that Middlebury now participates in. This program allows faculty from Middlebury to walk-in to participating libraries in the state and borrow materials from them as if they were full guest borrowers of that library. Faculty do need to fill out a form and get a VCAL card from the circulation desk here at Middlebury first.
Please remember that:
Faculty need to first get a VCAL card from Main Circ
Faculty are expected to return borrowed items to the owning library
Faculty are expected to abide by the owning library’s guest circulation policies
Please feel free to let me know if you need more information.
Guest borrowing cards are issued during weekdays at the Main Circ Desk. Supervisors – please check the circ wiki for details about processing VCAL borrowing privileges.
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